Scottsdale Public Library is currently looking for volunteers:
Library Cleaning Helper volunteer
Mustang and Arabian Libraries
The Mustang Library is looking for one once-a-week volunteer to help clean the library keyboards and restock paper in public spaces. This volunteer would need to come in before the library opens and be finished by 10 a.m.
The Arabian Library is looking for one volunteer to help clean the library keyboards, restock supplies and assist with shelving returned library materials. This position can be any day and any time, although preference is someone available in the morning, or evening.
For more information or if you are interested, please contact Ray Ceo Jr., Supervisor of Volunteers.
Scottsdale Heritage Connection volunteer
Civic Center Library
In this role, you would provide customer service to library patrons in the Scottsdale Heritage Connection space. This includes helping patrons find materials in the space, open locked collections such as our historical yearbooks, and occasionally help file additional historical documents. We are specifically looking for volunteers on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesday.
For more information or if you are interested, please contact Ray Ceo Jr., Supervisor of Volunteers.
Civic Center Library
The Civic Center Library is looking for a Storytime Helper to help with our weekly, Tuesday morning storytimes that happen at 10:30am and last about thirty minutes. This volunteer will come in before the start of the storytime, help set up the room with staff, and then collect tickets as children enter. Then, you would keep track of how many people attend by using a clicker. A volunteer in this role is expected to stand in front with staff and model how to do the songs (copying staff) with enthusiasm. They would also hand out and collect shakers, scarves and any storytime manipulatives. They would then give each child a hand stamp at end of storytime and help clean up afterward with staff.
For more information or if you are interested, please contact Ray Ceo Jr., Supervisor of Volunteers.
Civic Center Library
The Civic Center Library is seeking helpers to assist with their Tail Waggin’ Tales program. This program is where new readers can read to a therapy animal, usually a cat or dog. In order to facilitate this popular program, we need volunteer! Volunteers in this role would pull books from the baskets and open the Sky Room and set out carpet spots in circle, they would also keep count of how many people attend and help break down program afterward (i.e. shelf books and return carpet squares, turn off lights and close room and then report stats to staff member on desk).
The program is on the first Sunday of the month, and we would need volunteers from 2:30pm-4:30pm. Upcoming fall dates are 10/6, 11/3 & 12/1. For more information please contact Ray Ceo Jr., Supervisor of Volunteers.
Ray Ceo
Supervisor of Volunteers
Scottsdale Public Library
email Ray Ceo